Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009 Recruitment Calendars

Plan your 2009 recruitment strategy by keeping on top of important dates and conferences. NAS has published the following calendars to assist you in creating demand, delivering talent and changing lives.

2009 Healthcare Convention Calendar
2009 Healthcare Recognition Days
2009 Recognition Days
2009 Computer & Engineering Convention Calendar


Monday, December 22, 2008

NAS Insights: Healthcare Recruitment News

Aging Population Stressing California's Health Care Network

California's aging baby boomer population is threatening to overtax the state's health care system, which doesn't have enough doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to meet the demand.

Click on the link below to read article...


Florida Doctors Shortage Trend Only To Worsen, Report Reveals

Many physicians in Florida plan to make cuts to their practices in the next five years and another group of physicians have already done so, according to findings of a first-ever report on the physician work force by the state Department of Health.

Click on the link below to read article...


Nursing Homes Talk New Ratings

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has scored nearly 16,000 nursing homes for the first time.

Click on the link below to read article...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sign up for NAS e-newsletters

Sign up today for the latest e-newsletters from NAS Recruitment Communications.

NAS creates and produces electronic publications to keep you up-to-date on the latest recruitment news, from downsizing announcements and economic trends reports, to pertinent healthcare recruitment web articles and communications to help you with your recruiting challenges.

You can elect to receive the NAS Insights Downsizing & Economic Trends reports, the NAS Insights Healthcare e-news or the NAS OnDemand e-newsletter keeping you informed on the latest white papers, case studies and general recruitment information.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't Forget to Register for Monday's HCI Webcast!

Understanding Media Choices in Recruitment Advertising:

Monday, December 15, 2008, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

Not yet on the web 2.0 wagon? Having difficulty deciding where to focus your brand efforts in the world of social media? Perhaps you are still struggling to understand what Web 2.0 is or how it relates to your talent acquisition process. You are not alone. Employers globally are wrestling with the dynamic advances in what candidates do online, where they do it, and how to leverage those activities and destinations into improved candidate flow.

In our year-end webcast in Recruitment Advertising and Communications, led by Kevin Hawkins, National Internet Strategist, NAS Recruitment Communications, we will develop an understanding of these new media choices, and the role they can play in your employment brand activities. We will also discuss how to align your choices with your overall talent brand strategies.

This live event is FREE, and available on a first-come, first-seated basis.

To Register Online: go to
If you would like to register by phone, please call 1-866-538-1909.

contact NAS if you have questions about this exciting webcast.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HR 101 – Sales Effectiveness: 10 Steps to Successful Corporate Recruiting

by Ryan Estis, Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Strategist, NAS Recruitment Communications

Professional selling is not unlike the practice of law or accounting. It includes a set of core competencies that, if understood, developed, and mastered will lead to tremendous success. Sales success is the culmination of extreme effort, developed subject matter expertise, and a passionate belief that you can help someone do something better. The same principles apply to effective corporate recruiting. The best and brightest are highly coveted and, in turn, have an abundance of options. The best recruiters understand that in the people business, you have to earn the opportunity to hire the very best candidates.

1. Be likable

People prefer to do business with, work around and for people they like and trust. Often, before they come to work for you, they need to like you.

2. Respect and serve

Where selling once was likened to persuasion and even manipulation tactics, today it's simply about helping people or companies improve. Recruiting is no different. Helping people determine fit, providing feedback, guidance, insights, and support through the process demonstrates sincere interest and respect for candidates who are making a critical life decision.

3. Follow-up and -through

Treating candidates like customers creates a sense of urgency. A-level talent is on the marketplace for a short period of time, so immediate follow-up is critical to successful conversions. Coveted candidates have lessening patience for long delays and limited feedback and communication.

4. You are the company

Every touch point is an opportunity to enhance the candidate experience and extend the relationship. Recruiters become the ultimate extension of the employment brand. Having a clearly defined, authentic employment value proposition extended through an employment branding strategy is essential to attracting A-level talent. In the eyes of the candidate, you are the company.

5. Do your homework

Make sure hiring managers are thoroughly prepared with all the background, notes, detail, and relevant nuances to ensure a successful meeting. Preparation helps demonstrate keen interest in the candidate as a potential contributor and builds a positive relationship. Quality candidates are beginning to expect you've done your research upfront, and with tools like Google and Zoom Info at the ready, it's easy to accomplish.

6. Earn the talent

Customer relationships are often cultivated through years of development and interface before finally being solidified. A recruiting culture that approaches engaging talent competitively has an advantage every time. You have to earn the opportunity to employ A-players.

7. Be number 1

When recruiting passive candidates, strive to become the organization candidates think of first when they begin contemplating a career change. Maintain the relationship with the notion that eventually this candidate will join your organization. Work to stay relevant and top of mind to the talent you desire and aspire to be the first person they call when the timing is right.

8. Keep it simple

Make it easy for candidates to connect with your organization, understand career opportunities, and apply for a job. Review your career site. How compelling is the first impression you make? Are you being competitive in your space? Is it simple and painless to search and apply for a job? Can a candidate leave their e-mail address to get communication on the status of their application and updates on careers?

9. After the yes

Critical to engagement and retention is the experience a candidate has in the first 12 months on the job. Acceptance of the offer is just the beginning of the relationship. Put a program in place that extends beyond orientation and make sure it includes relevant training, support in acclimation, consistent communication, and the opportunity for new hires to offer opinions about what could be better. The company should do everything it can to fulfill expectations extended during the recruitment process.

10. Live and learn

Enhance recruiting effectiveness by understanding lost opportunities and implement process improvements. Sales organizations thoroughly analyze and inspect every detail around a customer loss or defeat in a competitive selling situation in order to ensure it doesn't happen again. Develop a mechanism for obtaining feedback from candidates who turn down offers. Make a plan to shore up any gaps and remove barriers that impede the acquisition of more stars.

Ryan Estis is Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Strategist with NAS Recruitment Communications, LLC, in Minneapolis. E-mail:

Consult with NAS today to obtain in-depth assistance with your own employment branding program.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

U.S. & Canadian Downsizing and Economic Trends

NAS Recruitment Insights has released the latest issue of the U.S. and Canadian Downsizing and Economic Trends report.

U.S. Issue and Canadian Issue include information on Economic Indicators, Regional Trends, Human Resource and Labor Trends, and Downsizing Annoucements.

More NAS Insights reports are available on the
NAS Website.

Monday, December 1, 2008

NAS Healthcare Recruitment Insights

NAS Insights is pleased to present the following breaking news of interest to those professionals engaged in the field of health care recruitment:

Nursing Shortages Stretch South Carolina Hospitals

The overall number of nurses graduating from accredited nursing schools in the area-such as the two-year program at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College and the four-year program at South Carolina State University-are proving their quality. The problem lies in the fact there just aren't enough of them to meet the demand.

Click on the link below to read article...


AAMC Reports Growing Physician Shortage

A new report from the
Association of American Medical Colleges says the United States is likely to face a shortfall of 124,000 physicians by 2025.

Click on the link below to read article...


Students Watch How Hospital Nurses Work

Five students from Everglades High School's allied health science program, taught by registered nurse Sheron Favata, followed five nurses through daily work duties that changed second by second in a literal heartbeat.

Click on the link below to read article...


NAS Insights provides customized market, media, demographic and other recruitment communications information as part of our service to our clients. Visit us at